ACE Deluxe Wrist Brace, Right, Small/Medium
Are you looking for ACE Deluxe Wrist Brace, Right, Small/MediumACE. It is a great product. Qualify to use it. After my friend bought it as a gift. We are happy to use it a lot. ACE Deluxe Wrist Brace, Right, Small/MediumACE is more
expensive to buy ACE Deluxe Wrist Brace, Right, Small/MediumACE. And the beauty of it is up to date. And the right size for use. Other than that the same type. My friend bought ACE Deluxe Wrist Brace, Right, Small/MediumACE as a birthday gift.
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use.ACE Deluxe Wrist Brace, Right, Small/MediumACE
ACE Deluxe Wrist Brace, Right, Small/Medium Overview
Helps relieve carpal tunnel syndrome. Allows fingers to move freely. Neoprene blend material retains body heat for increased circulation.
ACE Deluxe Wrist Brace, Right, Small/Medium Feature
- Antimicrobial treatment inhibits growth of odor causing bacteria on brace
- Triple strap system to satisfy a range of sizes
- Gel cushion on palm for added comfort
- Contoured splint for stability and immobilization
- Neoprene blend material retains body heat for increased circulation